Simple Local Avatars

Add an avatar upload field to user profiles. Generate requested sizes on demand, just like Gravatar.

Adds an avatar upload field to user profiles if the current user has media permissions. Generates requested sizes on demand just like Gravatar! Simple and lightweight.

Just edit a user profile, and scroll down to the new “Avatar” field. The plug-in will take care of cropping and sizing!

  1. Stores avatars in the “uploads” folder where all of your other media is kept.
  2. Has a simple, native interface.
  3. Fully supports Gravatar and default avatars if no local avatar is set for the user – but also allows you turn off Gravatar.
  4. Generates the requested avatar size on demand (and stores the new size for efficiency), so it looks great, just like Gravatar!
  5. Lets you decide whether lower privilege users (subscribers, contributors) can upload their own avatar.
  6. Enables rating of local avatars, just like Gravatar.

Avatar upload field on a user profile page

  • Rating
  • Requires 6.5+
  • Downloads 1,990,238
  • Updated 2024-11-18
  1. Is there any change to see an update for this great plugin? In the repository it shows 3 developers and it would be a shame to leave this plugin die a silent death. (although the 80k active users)

  2. Hello. Help please. I use your plugin on the site. I used the template user profile. I have downloaded to a user ‘s picture in your profile. Give a piece of code that is responsible for loading the image. Thank you!

  3. Hi,
    I’m using woocomerce, i don’t see your plugin in my account woocommerce.
    how i can use it.
    thanks a lot.
    best regard

  4. I’ve using get_avatar() in my theme but just getting the default blank avatar on the page. I was able to upload an avatar image from my media library just fine. Not sure what the issue is. Any help would be much appreciated.

  5. Hi, thanks for this plugin! I am using this: $avatar = get_simple_local_avatar($post_author->ID, 150) to generate a response in the rest response which is working fine but it generates a full image code i.e but I only need to retrieve the URL. Is that possible?

  6. Hi, I have just installed and uploaded an image, but it’s blurry?! This is the case for all users. Any help would be appreciated.

    • Kelly – I’ve yet to run across a report of avatars being blurry after upload, so I don’t have an immediate resolution for you. Is there any chance you’ve got another plugin installed that’s performing some action on images? If so, disabling that plugin and testing another image upload could help us figure out if there’s a plugin compatibility issue. Also, any chance you’ve updated to WordPress 5.3 (as it has new handling for “big images” that could be resizing images)?

  7. I have the plugin installed and activated, but nothing has changed in the user profiles. There’s still no way to change Avatar image other than Gravatar. Any suggestions for how I can get this up and running? Thanks!

    • Sarah – you should see a new “Avatar” section in the “Users” > “Profile” screen that allows you / your users to select a local avatar image. If you do not, then please reach out on or GitHub and we’ll work to help troubleshoot with you… thanks!

  8. Hi everybody!
    It seems that the plugin does not show anything anymore.
    Is there a new version available?


    • Dave,

      The latest version of Simple Local Avatars is 2.2.0 and you should see an Avatar section in user profiles for setting a local avatar (see screenshot example on the plugin page). If you’re not seeing that with the latest version, please open an issue on GitHub or and we’ll help troubleshoot… thanks!


  9. Great plugin!

    I wanted to know where does it store the image location reference on the database? Could you direct me to that table? Thank you.

    • Hi MD,

      Simple Local Avatars stores the avatar data which include attachment id and various site data URLs in the usermeta table. Avatar data is stored as an array under the `simple_local_avatar` key.

      Hope this helps!


  10. Great Plugin, thank you for saving so many sites after rogue profile image malarky.

    One feature i would love too see added / while not taking away from the light weight nature is…
    An option to set the Default image used if someone has not yet uploaded an image.

    Currently it defaults to options from Gravatar but it would be really nice if we could set a custom default image :)

    Thx again !

  11. It returns the person avatar image as http not https, how can I change that?
    If I look at the site using http it works, but not as https, since the code hard-codes http in the IMG src.

    <img alt="" src="http:///wp-content/uploads/2021/07/pappa_avatar_1626168689-scaled-32×32.jpg” srcset=”×64.jpg 2x” class=”avatar avatar-32 photo” loading=”lazy” width=”32″ height=”32″>

    But the gravatar is correct
    <img alt="" src="” class=”avatar avatar-80 photo” loading=”lazy” width=”80″ height=”80″>

    • Hi Mikael, did you switch to HTTPS recently? If so, you need to update cached avatars because Simple Local Avatars cached full URLs to the database. I recommend Better Search Replace to update URLs in your database:

      Hope this helps!

  12. Awesome plugin… thank you

  13. Hi! I’m getting a broken image for my avatar on my site, and not sure why… I tried changing the file, reuploading, deactivating/reactivating the plugin, nada. It’s working fine on other sites, so I’m not sure what’s up! Any tips?

    • Valerie – note that support is best handled via support forum posts or via GitHub issues as our team more closely monitors those two places. That being said, you might check out the Broken Image Icon support request as potentially related to your issue. Wherever you do chose to request support, please provide a bit more about your setup (WordPress version, PHP version, plugin version, etc.) so we can try to better triage your issue.


      • Thanks, Jeff! I couldn’t find the support forum, but that “Broken Image Icon” issue was the same for me – I wonder why that happened in the first place, as this site has always been set up and run on https!

  14. Is this plugin working with php8?

    • Chris – we have a lower bounds of PHP 5.3, but have not fully tested on PHP8+. If you’re seeing any errors or have things to call out please let us know via a GitHub issue and we can work on that in a subsequent release… thanks!


  15. 5. Let’s you decide whether lower privilege users (subscribers, contributors) can upload their own avatar, how does this function work?

    • There is a setting to handle this, you can see it under the Settings > Discussion > “Local Upload Permissions”. Admin can control if they want only allow users with the file upload capabilities to upload local avatars or not.

      If ticked, lower privilege users (subscribers, contributors) can upload their own avatar. When unticked, a subscriber/contributor would see the following note on their profile edit page.

      “You do not have media management permissions. To change your local avatar, contact the blog administrator.”

  16. I noticed an issue with this plugin. When it is active, it makes it impossible to set a featured image. When not enabled, the featured image setting works as expected.

    • Amy – our team just tested this with WordPress and Simple Local Avatars alone and the featured image functionality works as expected. If you’re able to disable other plugins, test again, and then provide additional info via the Support Forum that would be great… thanks!


  17. There is a green line around my avatar. Is there a posibility, to remove it?
    Very fine plugin!

    • Alf – that’s likely caused by the theme in use, but if you want to open a support thread on then our team can look to help triage further there… thanks!


  18. Bonjour,

    votre plugin fonctionne jusqu’a la redimmention de l’image ensuite j’ai “Une erreur est survenue lors du recadrage de votre image.”



    your plugin works until the image is resized then I have “An error occurred while cropping your image.”

    too bad

    • Cyrille – thanks for the report, I’ve gone ahead and copied this into an issue in our GitHub repository and will track with the team there (feel free to open on the support forum if you’d rather communicate there). If you could please provide a bit more detail on your PHP, WP, and plugin versions that will help us further triage your issue… thanks!


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