
Thirteen 10uppers Contribute to WordPress 6.6

Earlier this month, WordPress released version 6.6, “Dorsey”, bringing more design freedom and a more efficient user experience. Thirteen 10uppers contributed to Dorsey, a reflection of 10up’s commitment to giving back to the open web.

The most notable improvements to come from WordPress 6.6 include:

  • The introduction of Section Styles gives the ability to override all the styles of a section, including nested elements & blocks.
  • A new Grid Block that brings more flexibility when laying out content.
  • An auto-update option for installed plugins — with the ability to roll back to previous versions if necessary.
  • The ability to have a negative value into custom spacing for margins, giving editors greater creative control.
  • The power to customize or override content in each instance of a synced pattern, while keeping consistent style and layout across them.
  • The introduction of a side-by-side layout for pages in the Site Editor with page preview capabilities.

Read More on Thirteen 10uppers Contribute to WordPress 6.6

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This week, I — and eight other 10uppers — are heading to Torino, Italy for WordCamp Europe. The largest WordPress conference in Europe takes place on June 13-15 and consists of talks, hands-on sessions, and workshops centered around the world’s most popular CMS.

In between catching insightful talks, 10up will be with our partners from Google at the Site Kit booth — if you are attending, be sure to stop by. We can’t wait to see you there!

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I am proud to have been a mentor in the Second Cohort (2024 Q1) WordPress Contributor Mentorship, a six-week program that strengthens the contributor process for WordPress. I was one of 28 mentors who supported 52 mentees in extensive learning and contribution to WordPress Core and the latest 6.5 release in real-time.

Director of Open Source Initiatives Jeff Paul also served as a part of the WordPress Contributor Working Group, which manages the program.

If you’re interested in learning more about 10up’s leadership in the WordPress community, and how our expertise can help your organization reach its digital goals, get in touch.

Hilton’s 2024 Trends Report Featured on The Today Show

A recent feature on The Today Show showcased the 2024 Trends Report from our partners at Stories From Hilton, finding that “rest and relaxation” is the number one reason people are traveling in 2024.

After launching Stories From Hilton, which takes full advantage of the WordPress Block Editor for engaging story layouts, 10up designed and architected a series of custom blocks and block patterns to support the 2024 Trends Report. Check out the full report — and the 10up-designed print version — for more insights on travel in the year ahead.

Read More on Hilton’s 2024 Trends Report Featured on The Today Show

Fourteen 10uppers Contribute to WordPress 6.5

Earlier this month, WordPress released version 6.5, “Regina”, bringing significant editorial experience improvements, including the much-anticipated Font Library. Fourteen 10uppers contributed to Regina, a reflection of 10up’s commitment to giving back to the open web.

WordPress 6.5 empowers site and content managers with several editorial experience enhancements, including:

  • A brand new Font Library, enabling typography management directly in the Site Editor.
  • A smoother, more controlled drag & drop experience when rearranging blocks in the list view.
  • The introduction of Data Views to better organize data in pages, templates, patterns, and template parts — editors can choose between a table or grid view, and easily make bulk changes.
  • A more in-depth revisions feature, providing editor names, time stamps, and short descriptions of work done on all content.

Read More on Fourteen 10uppers Contribute to WordPress 6.5

Gearing Up for WordPress 6.5: 10up’s Talk at DE{CODE} 2024

A few weeks ago, I presented at WP Engine’s virtual developer conference DE{CODE} 2024. As an Associate Director of Editorial Engineering here at 10up, I focus on content creation experiences for our clients, and devote meaningful time to working on the open source WordPress project’s included content editing experience (aka “Gutenberg”). At DE{CODE}, I joined Anne McCarthy, Product Wrangler at Automattic, Nick Diego, Developer Relations Advocate at Automattic, and Damon Cook, Developer Advocate at WP Engine, for “Empower your development: the breakthrough features of WordPress 6.5 unleashed”.

Read More on Gearing Up for WordPress 6.5: 10up’s Talk at DE{CODE} 2024