Simple Local Avatars

Add an avatar upload field to user profiles. Generate requested sizes on demand, just like Gravatar.

Adds an avatar upload field to user profiles if the current user has media permissions. Generates requested sizes on demand just like Gravatar! Simple and lightweight.

Just edit a user profile, and scroll down to the new “Avatar” field. The plug-in will take care of cropping and sizing!

  1. Stores avatars in the “uploads” folder where all of your other media is kept.
  2. Has a simple, native interface.
  3. Fully supports Gravatar and default avatars if no local avatar is set for the user – but also allows you turn off Gravatar.
  4. Generates the requested avatar size on demand (and stores the new size for efficiency), so it looks great, just like Gravatar!
  5. Lets you decide whether lower privilege users (subscribers, contributors) can upload their own avatar.
  6. Enables rating of local avatars, just like Gravatar.

Avatar upload field on a user profile page

  • Rating
  • Requires 6.5+
  • Downloads 1,989,841
  • Updated 2024-11-18
  1. When using “Choose file…” to upload an avatar, the resulting File Upload window does not display folders / files in any directory I select. Mac OS X Lion / Safari or FireFox / WP 3.4.2.

    • Definitely sounds like a problem with your OS or browser. I have no control over what shows up in that dialog!

  2. Thanks for this Great plugin.

  3. Hi,

    I have just installed on and WP 3.5.1 and got the following error:
    “The plugin generated 3 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”

    any idea?

    • Generally this error is caused by UTF-8 encoded PHP script files with BOM. Remove the first three bytes (that’s BOM) and upload the script again.

  4. hi
    I translated this plugin to Persian (Farsi) IRAN
    this is download link

  5. Hi, nice plugin! Everithing is working well but I don’t know what is the reason of that, I can’t access anymore to the users administration wordpress page after some users upload their picture. Can you help me please.

    • Are you seeing a warning?

  6. The plugin says “Generate requested sizes on demand”. How do I set the default max size? I would like something bigger than 96×96.

    • You don’t need to. It automatically scales to whatever size is requested. Note that it only scales down, not up (where width / height properties will simply stretch it).

  7. Hi, I used your plugin, its very nice. But I have trouble when translate. It translate only in admin panel, it still show in English on front page. How to fix this?

  8. Thanks for the plugin… i have question how can i display the avatar image in a post??? can you give me some reference…. thanks im just new in wordpress…

  9. Great Plugin Jake, bassically it’s the only plugin (well, facebook and XMLsitemaps and lock wp-admin instead ) i have installed in my blog. But i want a little bit of help with somthing… and you’ll know what i mean when you read this:

    You know this is a pain in the ass because you can’t get the url, just the avatar, and the url delivered will be a series of “0” from gravatar.

    Can you help me with this? I’m asking to you because you wrote this plugin and is very possible that you know how to twek this thing, with some filter, snippet or function.


    • Not sure I understand the question, honestly.

  10. Great plugin. Quick question, however. I’m using bbPress and attempting to ‘upgrade’ to BuddyPress for the private messaging, enhanced profiles, etc. I noticed that BuddyPress doesn’t inherit the Avatar. Is there a way to tweak the BP profile template to display their uploaded Avatar?

    • Newer versions of BuddyPress introduce their own, unique avatar handling…

  11. how can i set the default upload folder?

    • Not easily (need to hook into WordPress’s upload functions). Why would you want to worry about this?

  12. Thank’s for the plug in. I look for how i make gravatar with easly. many tutorials are very complicated before I know it can be made by plug in .. !! then i know your plug in thank’s alot you made this plug in.. very useful

  13. Hi Jake! Your plugin is very good, but I didn’t understand the Rating system in the new Simple Local Avatars version 2.0. If the user can select the rating options, what is the real value on this system? In my control panel, I can’t select the options.

    • In Settings > Discussion you can set a site rating. If someone uploads an avatar rated above the site rating, it will not be used. Just like Gravatar.

  14. Hey man, How can I disable the ratings feature I don’t need it at all

    • Ignore it? :) Gravatar (and hence WordPress) acknowledge ratings, so it makes sense for this plugin to respect that, as well.

  15. Perfect in Classipress –
    nice work man

  16. I uploaded an avatar to one user’s profile and it won’t show in his posts. Can you think of why this would happen. others work.

    • The plugin doesn’t insert or add an avatar anywhere on the front end (there are other plugins which do that). It will show a local avatar (instead of a gravatar) where the theme presents an avatar.

  17. Hi, is there a way to deactivate the ratings-function? I only want the upload function on the profile page. Thank you in advance! /Kasper

    • No… It’s designed to work with the built in “highest allowed rating” option in the discussion panel. Is it really in your way?

  18. How can I add an avatar using a URL instead of Browsing Media Library?

    • This is not supported. You can upload it from your computer or select an existing image from the media library.

  19. Hi,

    I am getting this error message
    “Warning: Missing argument 2 for Simple_Local_Avatars::get_avatar() in C:\xampp\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\simple-local-avatars\simple-local-avatars.php on line 64”

    When i sign in as a user I am unable to upload my avatar picture – but when I sign into wordpress as admin and go to users and select that user I can upload my avatar pic there – not sure why this is happening??

  20. nice plugin thanks. how can i show my author’s avatars in side bar?

    • Find another plugin that does that. :-) this plugin just overrides Gravatar with locally sourced avatars. It doesn’t add new widgets or any other changes to your site’s presentation.

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