Simple Local Avatars

Add an avatar upload field to user profiles. Generate requested sizes on demand, just like Gravatar.

Adds an avatar upload field to user profiles if the current user has media permissions. Generates requested sizes on demand just like Gravatar! Simple and lightweight.

Just edit a user profile, and scroll down to the new “Avatar” field. The plug-in will take care of cropping and sizing!

  1. Stores avatars in the “uploads” folder where all of your other media is kept.
  2. Has a simple, native interface.
  3. Fully supports Gravatar and default avatars if no local avatar is set for the user – but also allows you turn off Gravatar.
  4. Generates the requested avatar size on demand (and stores the new size for efficiency), so it looks great, just like Gravatar!
  5. Lets you decide whether lower privilege users (subscribers, contributors) can upload their own avatar.
  6. Enables rating of local avatars, just like Gravatar.

Avatar upload field on a user profile page

  • Rating
  • Requires 6.5+
  • Downloads 1,990,238
  • Updated 2024-11-18
  1. Hi Jake, your plugin is simple but powerful, and i have one question when i use it.

    In my author.php file i want to show current author’s avatar, i use ‘get_avatar( get_the_author_meta(‘ID’), $size = ‘300’, $default = ”, $alt = false )’ ,but this code will get the Gravatar avatar, how can i get the avatar from your plugin?

    Think you!

    • If that user ID has a local avatar, that code will retrieve it.

  2. Hi Jake,
    I’ve install your plugin “Simple Local Avatars” in my blog. But it’s not working. It’s showing a message, the message is “Warning: Missing argument 2 for Simple_Local_Avatars::get_avatar() in ……./wp-content/plugins/simple-local-avatars/simple-local-avatars.php on line 64”. Can you please provide me a instruction about resolve the error.

  3. How does this handle a multisite install? Where do the uploaded author images get stored (authors may be assigned to multiple sites).

    • Yes, it supports multisite.

  4. Hi! it is a very nice plugin,
    but is it possible to disable gravatars completely / to replace them with the default avatar stored locally for all users?

    I mean, so gravatars do not show at all on the upload your own avatar form?

    that would be very handy if it was possible, as I need a simple avatar for bbpress forums (and ability for users to edit their profile and upload from the front end their own avatar) but gravatars should be invisible/disabled..

  5. Hi Jake,

    I recently transferred domains and am having issues with this plugin, I reconfigured wordpress, and changed the database entries for my existing users manually already.

    After doing all of that to get the upload paths and paths to existing files set up, it is still showing the default user image. Please help.

    • Also, I have debugged it to the point of when it fetches the actual location of the file from the database. It returns when it checks to see if $local_avatars[‘full’] is empty. Any idea why there would be a missing link there from a domain transfer?

  6. Hi, I am trying to limit the max file size to the image.

    This is what I am doing in my theme functions.php

    function pdo_avatar_limit($size) {
    $size = 102400;
    return $size;
    add_filter(‘simple_local_avatars_upload_limit’, ‘pdo_avatar_limit’);

    I dont know what is the problem, but it seems that the filter is never called because a can upload big images (even if I do $size = 10;)

    • Hmm. Will need to investigate.

  7. Hi Jake,
    Your Plugin is truely awesome! I am building a custom profile page for my website and need to include the Avatar “browse” button on the page.

    Will using the get_avatar function help me? If is there more code required? I am relatively new to WP, but will be able to manage with some guidance. Thanks for the help! :)

    • The upload functionality is really built for the backend / profile screen, you can hack around that, but I don’t really support it, since there are so many approaches. get_avatar() will only show the avatar.

  8. :O You’re amazing! Thank you for your plug-in. Greetings from mexico

  9. Hey, your plugin works from the frontend with bbpress but not with wp userfrontend why ?

  10. Hello,
    The user (colaborator) can´t upload image avatar
    its using WP 3.61 and simple local avatar 2.0

  11. Hello. Thanks for the plugin, but I was wondering how to prevent users from being able to select from the library. Thank in advance.

    • Users who do not have media library permissions can’t access it.

      • Which permission has to be granted exactly? I gave them upload_files. Users can upload avatars, but its not loading when the site loads.

        Thanks in advance,


        • If found the pictures in FTP with chmod 666. But the aren’t displayed…

  12. Sorry for the confusion, I meant to say head as in and not header.

  13. Actually, it only gets the correct URL if its put inside the loop.

  14. […] this site, I do not use Gravatars, opting instead for the WordPress plugin Simple Local Avatars. In the comments for Site updates & more updates!, we had some discussion of Gravatar […]

  15. Hi
    I use ur plugin and I have a question. How can I display the avatar on post??


    • You’ll need to edit your theme template or use another plug-in that does so. This plug-in merely allows you to define a local avatar; it doesn’t change presentation in your theme.

  16. […] needed avatars for all my authors, so I used the plugin Simple Local Avatars. I added the plugin, and in each author’s user profile an “avatar” section popped […]

  17. Do this works in combo with bbpress?

    • It’s compatible with bbPress (it will show local avatar), though it is not specifically built for its front end profile editor.

  18. Hi, I love your plugin and really would like to start using it, but there is one request that’s important for me: Enable users to manually crop their picture at upload.

    Sometimes the user will upload a large picture in portrait mode, the automatically cropped avatar will then only show the middle (belly) of the person in the picture :D

    It would be very nice to let users select a crop area (square 1:1 ratio) so they can choose their face or something else specific at the photo.

  19. Thanks for creating this beautiful plugin, I had been looking for how to show my picture in the avatar of my website, your plugin did the job without stress, thank you.

  20. How could I get this to work with WP User Front end?

    • It’s not really set up for that, right now. Might be something we add in the future.

      • Hi Jake,

        Front end support would really be great, since we’re looking into running WP with Classipress, requiring users to register for participating in the trade. Any hope for SLA to support front end in the near future? Gravitar is just too nerdy for our users.

        • The problem with front end support is that every front end profile plugin / implementation has its own quirk: there’s no standard.

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