Simple Local Avatars

Add an avatar upload field to user profiles. Generate requested sizes on demand, just like Gravatar.

Adds an avatar upload field to user profiles if the current user has media permissions. Generates requested sizes on demand just like Gravatar! Simple and lightweight.

Just edit a user profile, and scroll down to the new “Avatar” field. The plug-in will take care of cropping and sizing!

  1. Stores avatars in the “uploads” folder where all of your other media is kept.
  2. Has a simple, native interface.
  3. Fully supports Gravatar and default avatars if no local avatar is set for the user – but also allows you turn off Gravatar.
  4. Generates the requested avatar size on demand (and stores the new size for efficiency), so it looks great, just like Gravatar!
  5. Lets you decide whether lower privilege users (subscribers, contributors) can upload their own avatar.
  6. Enables rating of local avatars, just like Gravatar.

Avatar upload field on a user profile page

  • Rating
  • Requires 6.5+
  • Downloads 1,990,238
  • Updated 2024-11-18
  1. Hi,
    and thank you for this plugin.
    If I’m right there is no wp-admin, configuration?
    I’d like to not display the rating table.
    mainly because it’s not well stylish into bbpress and not really useful.


    • You can use CSS to hide that table. There’s no “configuration option” to hide it.

  2. Dear Jake,

    Is there any way that will allow the user (logged in) to upload the avatar from the front as i do not wants to allow the user to see the back end.

    Thanks in advance.

    • The plugin doesn’t currently, officially support this.

  3. Hey, it seems like my avatars are returning blank file. I did fix one notice, using deprecated get_user_by_email, but it didn’t fix the main problem. Tried deleting and reinstalling plugin. Usink 3.8.1, which might be the problem – thought you should know, this is a great plugin and it would ba a shame if something happened to it ;d

    There are no errors, I tried print_r(get_avatar), it just returns blank avatar file (with img html and all), there’s no errors.

  4. i like the plugin it’s simple yet powerfull i just have one question and that is if ti’s possible to remove the original photo when a user upload his avatar to save some space ? some users will upload just about anything … thank you

  5. Hii..Im testing this plugin on classipress,but when I go to mobile,seems like not all responsive,some letters stay out of layout but that I fixed,but now when I scroll down and up,the layout shake a little bit and increase a little bit more for the right side,Do you think can be fixed?Thanks…and great job Iwanna buy it

  6. How can i change the default mystery man locally.. im running a multisite..

  7. Great plugin. I would like to change the dimensions of the avatar. It is so small when you see it on screen. Is that possible? If not, what solution would you recommend?

    • The plugin doesn’t determine the size of the avatar: it returns whatever size is requested by the “get_avatar” function.

  8. I’m having a slight problem after successful avatar upload. For about 10 seconds, the uploaded avatar image is broken. Then after a refresh or two of the page, the newly uploaded avatar image displays fine.

    Hoping you can give me some idea of why this might be happening?

  9. Hi Jake,

    First, I love this plugin. Secondly, I wanted to pass along a quick note that it does not play nice with https. In particular, my admin area is served over SSL and images in the users list are still served over http. It’s a very minor, minor issue.

    Thanks for the awesome plugin :-)

  10. Any chance you could add a do action hook in edit_user_profile_update() – Something like simple_local_avatar_upload_failure around line 375?

  11. Nice plugin. But if I can’t find a way to disable the rating-system, I simply can’t use it. It is to annoying .

    Is there anyting I can do?

    • Is it really that hard to ignore or just use the default value?

  12. I am new to wordpress and plugins so please excuse my question. I read where you said “You call avatars using get_avatar or get_simple_local_avatar” in what file would I make this change to use get_simple_local avatar? Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated…

    • Typically in your template / theme files.

  13. Hi. I disabled your plugin, although it worked great, except . . . It broke Security as it had images that use absolute addresses, see:

    Can this be fixed? I like your plugin.


  14. Can you confirm the plugin works with WP 3.8.3? Since upgrading WP to that version I’m having trouble with the plugin. It causes issues across my site. Please see here for details:

    • Looks like you were able to narrow it down to a memory issue.

  15. Hi my images are broken. How can I fix this?

    • We don’t provide personalized free support for free plug-ins. Best of luck!

  16. How can I implement users avatar in my code ?

  17. Hi, for some reason I can’t get this to work with our site :(

    We use the Valenti theme which supports your plugin but even though we have uploaded avatars and they show in the user profiles back end they don’t appear on our site:

    Any ideas?

  18. Can i upload images to Amazon S3 and CloudFront? And if its possible, how i can do that?

  19. If your are using Theme My Login and it breaks Simple Local Avatars try this:

    In case the URL is stripped from the comment:

    You need to add the enctype to the Theme My Login profile page.


    <form id="your-profile" action="the_action_url( ‘profile’ ); ?>” method=”post” enctype=”multipart/form-data”>

  20. FYI, have posted an unofficial version 2.1 of this great plugin in forum:


    – Added srcset 2x attribute support & image creation for responsive avatars
    – is_author Warning fix
    – sanitize_file_name “Umlauts” fix
    – Added class name to Rating headline th

    Feel free to use the code in a future release.

    • Thanks! I’ll take a look.

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