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There will be several 10uppers presenting this weekend at WordCamp Miami — Taylor Lovett will be presenting on the ins and outs of using Elasticsearch and ElasticPress to make WordPress’ search great, Chris Wiegman will be talking about securing your WordPress installs, and I will be chatting about making Vagrant a greater part of your development workflow.

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This Saturday, I will be presenting “Modernizing WordPress Search with Elasticsearch,” focused on ElasticPress, at WordCamp Nashville. 10up’er Zack Rothauser will also be in attendance.

Up in New England at WordCamp Maine, CEO John Eckman presents, “The Four Agreements and Client Services,” covering core tenets from the popular self-help book (The Four Agreements). Jason Clarke and Jason Boyle will also be attending.

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Three and a half years after her very first props in WordPress core and two years after becoming a core committer, Director of Platform Experience Helen Hou-Sandí has been promoted to Lead Developer for the WordPress project. She joins 5 other leads atop the WordPress credits screen, including project founder Matt Mullenweg. 10up is now the first and only consulting agency to have the honor of a Lead Developer in its ranks, as well as the only agency with not just one, but two WordPress release leads. We’re proud of Helen, and proud of our growing contributions.

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On December 16-17, the third annual BackboneConf will take place in Cambridge, MA. BackboneConf is conference about building real-time applications for the web, with a focus on the Backbone.js library.

I will be giving a talk on the WordPress JSON REST API. I have been actively involved in the REST API project over the past year, and I am excited to share our efforts with a new community. In my presentation I cover some of the challenges building an API for 23% of the web brings, and what the project means to the future of WordPress.

If you are interested in getting involved with the WordPress JSON REST API proejct or working for 10up pull me aside.

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This week I’ll be representing team 10up at CSS Dev Conf in New Orleans. I’m honored to be speaking alongside industry luminaries like Chris Coyier, Dan Cederholm, and Rachel Nabors. On Monday afternoon, I present Embracing Performance Optimization, an essential ingredient for great user experiences. I’ll cover optimization of the critical rendering path, elimination of unnecessary roundtrips, and leveraging caching… And since it is CSS Dev Conf, I’ll dive deep into the keys to CSS performance.

I’m excited to be the lead-off speaker at the 3rd annual WP Summit today. This one-day online conference brings together some of the most talented presenters covering various aspects of WordPress.  My talk will focus on the nuts and bolts of putting together a WordPress theme.  If you have ever wanted to start building your own themes then this talk will get you started.

I have the pleasure of speaking about Designing a Theme in the Browser next week at WordCamp Orange County. With In Browser Design gaining popularity on the web and here at 10up, we began to ask ourselves, “What is the best way to present a design to a client?” We use WordPress, of course! In my talk I’ll be showing how you can use the most basic of templates and functions to move your design out of it’s initial creative phase and into the browser where pixel perfection lives and where responsive layouts and interactions really come to life.

10uppers Alison Barrett and Jim Barrett will be joining me (John James Jacoby) in presenting at WordCamp Minneapolis this Saturday, April 25, at the University of St. Thomas in downtown Minneapolis. Alison’s talk, Avoid Breaking All the Things: How to Develop Safely, offers mitigation techniques for the worst case WordPress maintenance scenarios. Jim is presenting IA Eessentials: How to Prioritize, Design, and Present Your Client’s Content, which explains how to identify a client’s most important content, and present it in the best possible light. I’ll be presenting WPRBACOMGBBQ, covering WordPress’s Role-Based Access Control (citing bbPress as an example), and shedding light on an otherwise invisible (and very powerful) API that you accidentally use everyday. Hope to see you this weekend!

Helen Hou-Sandí

Howdy, Austin! I’m going to be in town for your upcoming WordPress Meetup on Tuesday, February 25. I’ll be at Opal Divine’s Penn Field from 5 until 7 PM for the “ Happy Hour”, along with some other members of the WordPress core team and the Automattic “dot org” team. Check out more details over on Meetup, and come find me if you want to talk contributing or 10up!